Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 2: Finding a place to settle.

I arrived at the edge of what I only know to describe as a Fjord. Already the world is as amazing as I expected. The steep precipices surround me on all sides. The sun has just come up, and I spend my time walking through these valleys taken back at the surreal beauty of it all. I saw a small flock of wild sheep on my journey.
After some time, I managed to climb to the top of one of these precipices. I had to displace some dirt, to give me something to stand on, which I am regretting. The beauty of nature seems so fragile.
From the top, I can see all across the valley. There are a few ponds near here that I might settle on. However placement is key so I continue onward. Eventually I spot a cave on the horizon.

Perhaps I'm the first one to ever spot that possible dwelling. The land here is untamed. I decide to descend down into the valley to go investigate the cave in more detail. Upon arriving, I find that there is a natural spring near the cave. It's the most interesting place I've seen so far, so I decide to make my stay here.
In some misfortune, on my descent to that place, I found myself stuck half way down, to a straight cliff. Below me as a particularly burly oak tree, and without many options, I decided to jump and hope it would brake my fall. Unfortunately the only thing I think it broke was my leg. After some time, I was able to walk again, but I was rather fatigued and in pain. I took down a couple trees. (Which was difficult with my lack of tools.) And I placed the first post for my house.

Afterward the sun began to set, and while I lay on the ground in pain, I managed to amuse myself by writing a poem.

Punching down a tree
I sang out loud with glee.
I didn't know, in the things that grow.
That monsters were watching me.

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