Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 5: Carpentry

I spent most of the 5th day felling a large tree near my cabin. It provided wood for walls, as well as space. I don't feel to bad about cutting it down, seeing as I'm only taking as much as I need, and the trees around here seem pretty thick. I also composed another poem. This one is a tribute to my planks.

The wooden block, which makes the wall
which keeps the demons from my base,
forming the room that becomes a home,
that serves defense against the world,
here in a fjord near a small spring.
Are those things dear which I find near?

I spent some time also planning out windows, and crafting my new front doors. Again, all material I've gotten has been of my own accord. I have not seen a single person since I began my trip. Perhaps I was correct in thinking I was the first out here.

If others were out here, they would probably cut down the forest and make a glass factory. They'd mine out the coal to fuel their forges, and this land would lose all of it's serene divinity.

If only others could appreciate the natural world like I do.

I'm running out of food, and will have to look into fixing that tomorrow.

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