Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 3: Foundation

The sun rises, and I look over to my notebook. My leg kept me awake, and I wrote another poem to pass the time. It's gloom is overshadowed by the glory of the sunrise. I pity all of those whom cannot see what I am seeing.

Tonight I sleep in these trees.
With broken leg, and a bygone day.
Tomorrow comes with no remorse
Of cities and people lost in their dream.

The majestic beauty and surprise of nature never seems to stop bewildering me. Today I found another cave. I'll explore it when I'm confident I can walk back out of it. Speaking of my leg..

My spring has been useful in keeping it clean. I even took the time to honor it with another poem:

To the spring, I give my thanks.
For fresh water, and a place to wash
the blood from my leg which will slowly mend.
Ow, the pain. Oh, my it hurts.
I just had to jump from that precipice.

I built a couple of crude tools form the sticks I've collected. I made a shovel, and started to level the dirt near my new home, although it broke quickly. I made a ladder so I can get into the cave I mentioned yesterday. It's an obnoxious climb, but I manage it. I went up there today and collected some stone for the base of my cabin.

The cabin has come a long way. I have it leveled somewhat, and I have all four posts in the ground. Everything I've collected myself. I even fashioned a workbench. It would have been such a waste if I had bought supplies from the city before I came out here. Although, It might have stopped the oak tree incident. My expenses come up as total:

Wood: None
Stone: None
Tools: None
Broken Leg: Pain

Total: $0.00 and a hell of a lot of pain.

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